Friday, April 1, 2011

Top GOPer credits Republican spending cut proposals for job creation

GOP Jobs
David Dreier, Chairman of the House Rules Committee, earlier this morning on the floor of the U.S. House:
Speaker Boehner has consistently been saying not only, "where are the jobs," and we're all gratified that the positive signs of getting our fiscal house in order played a big role in creating 216,000 non-farm, payroll jobs last month and brought the unemployment rate from 8.9 down to 8.8%.

Uh, exactly what "positive signs of getting our fiscal house in order" is Dreier referring to? I suppose that he's talking about H.R. 1, the House GOP's spending bill, but that's not going to become law?instead, Congress is either going to pass a compromise funding bill, or, if tea party Republicans prevail, we'll have a government shutdown.

But even if we did pass H.R. 1, the deficit would drop by less than 5%. $61 billion sounds like a lot of money, but compared to a $1.6 trillion dollar deficit, it's nothing. And more to the point, in December both Democrats and Republicans passed a bipartisan tax cut deal which will add $858 billion to the deficit over the next two years. Even if you extrapolated the $61 billion over the same timeframe as the tax cut deal, you still end up with a huge net increase in the deficit.

The bottom-line is this notion that the current debate we are having is about getting our fiscal house in order is pure bunk. The debate is about domestic discretionary spending, which obviously is part of the larger fiscal outlook, but it's a relatively small part. And it hasn't had one bit of an impact on the jobs situation.

Let's not forget that in January, 2009?President Bush's last month in office?private sector job losses reached their peak. In that month, 841,000 jobs were lost. But on January 20, 2009 President Obama took office, and while it took a year to get turn job losses into job growth, we've now had thirteen straight months of private sector job growth.

We've got a long way to go, but the House GOP agenda?domestic discretionary spending cuts, repealing health care reform, banning family planning funding, reading an edited version of the Constitution on the floor, holding anti-Muslim hearings, defunding NPR?hasn't done a single thing to help get the economy growing again.


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